Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Subway Stations in Moscow (Part 1)

The Subway in Moscow deserves a special visit. You will have the opportunity to go thru these images and appreciate Moscow’s Subway Stations’ Architecture...

Work on the Subway started in 1930 – Its length is approx. 256 km (159Miles), actually the subway has 138 stations, and the most beautiful stations are located near the center of the capital.


A Special Visit is very impressive to the foreign tourists, who will think they’re in a museum or even a palace with very spacious hallways.


One is pleasantly surprised by the marvelous decorations, by the monumental richness of the marble decorations: medalions, columns, mosaics & sculptures that display the Great Events in Russian History


For example, in Revolution Square Station, The Bronze statues represent revolutionaries in 1917 "Red Octomber", in Komsomolskïa Station - Kutuzov maybe seen, who beat Napoleon, in Kievskaïa Station , Peter The Great at the Battle of Poltava, in Teatranlaïa Station there are ballerinas in national costumes and columns of flowers.


Durind World War II, The Moscow Subways, due to its depth, offered shelter for thousands of mosowites during the Aerial bombings.


Each year the Subway Lines get longer and get deeper into the far away suburbs where new subway stations are built , where the architecture is sober.


Subway in Moscow houses 9 lines which are color coded on large signs helping passengers to go where they need to.


Subway hours are between 5:30 a.m. - 1:30a.m. trains come at 1 minute intervals, sometimes even less especially during the evening hours.






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