Thursday 21 August 2008

White Bengal Tiger named Odin

Here's something you don't see very often

These incredible photos are of a White Bengal Tiger named Odin

Odin is six years old and 10 feet long from tail to nose. Odin lives at a Zoo in Vallejo, California, near San Francisco

Odin with his British trainer Lee Munro

Odin was hand-raised at the zoo. And after he was weaned, his British trainer

Lee Munro discovered his remarkable skill

When a lump of meat was thrown into a pool of water, Odin would happily dive in after it

'He makes a funny face - and it's actually to close his nostrils to stop the water from going into his nose.'

Not all big cats enjoy the water but for Tigers from the hot climate of South-East Asia. It's one way to cool down

'Plus they hunt in and around water. They're an ambush predator so they wait for prey to come down to the water'

'When you actually see him dive underwater he looks so graceful'

'Odin loves the water and he loves food,' he said. 'Not all big cats will dive and swim underwater even for meat treats'

Munro said tigers were the most powerful swimmers out of all land-dwelling animals

Tragically, within our lifetimes, zoos might be the only places left to see these magnificent animals

A century ago there were about 100,000 tigers in the wild. Now there are just 2,500 adults, with the Bengal variety almost extinct. None has been seen in the wilds since the last white tiger was shot and killed in 1958.

White tigers are the most rare. They get their whitecolor from an unusual and extremely rare genetic combination.


Unknown said...

thats so cute! all the people that get help traini Odin are so lucky!! But yet still the gracefulness and beauty of these quite magnificiant animals has not stopped pochers and hunters from killing them!! I hope that you take good care of Odin, he is so rare and so special!!

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